eastcontemporary is a Milan-based gallery dedicated to research, development and support of emerging and mid-career international artists through exhibitions, public program, publications and partnerships. Originally conceived in September 2020 as a non-profit project space, eastcontemporary has quickly evolved into contemporary art gallery aiming specifically, but not exclusively, to provide a global perspective on Central and East European contemporary art scene. Our goal is to contribute to international recognition and greater visibility of the artists from this part of Europe. It is not, however, an attempt to reorient the gaze towards this subject only, but rather to create a tangible bridge between sometimes distant artistic communities. eastcontemporary aims to foster creativity, facilitate artistic exchange and offer opportunities for artists to network, research and create career-defining exhibitions. In the last years we established international platform for our artists like Anastasia Sosunova, Mila Panić or Eliška Konecná. We staged first solo exhibitions in Italy of artists such as Pakui Hardware, Barbara Wesolowska or Slavs and Tatars, and we worked with many other international artists including Stanislava Kovalcikova, Nour Jaouda, Agata Ingarden, Selma Selman, Agnieszka Polska or Katja Novitskova, among many others. eastcontemporary’s program notion circles around the idea of the invisible threshold of the West and the East, which can be otherwise seen as the West and non-West. Since our goal is to understand, question and negotiate the ideologies and connotations associated with cultural constructs, especially those noted in the European area, we particularly encourage artistic practices that expand discourses around perceived dichotomies, contemporary disorientation and our capacity of adaptation in transnational and globalized times. A
Ania Bąk
Aziza Kadyri
Emilia Kina
Eliška Konečná
Agnieszka Mastalerz
Mila Panić
Ala Savashevich
Aleksandra Sidor
Anastasia Sosunova
Giuseppe Pecchio 3, 20131, Milan, MI, Italia
Poor but Sexy
Group show
4 marzo – 12 aprile 2025
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