Martina Simeti
Milano - Founded in 2018 by Martina Simeti
Since the gallery was established in 2018, Martina Simeti has cultivated an interdisciplinary program that pushes the boundaries of contemporary art. The artists represented by Martina Simeti have rapidly garnered recognition on the global stage, having exhibited their work in widely respected institutions promoting forward-thinking, experimental programming. The gallery is deeply involved in the production process together with the represented artists, working actively to generate new opportunities for exhibition beyond its own walls.A
Alek O.
Sylvie Auvray
Costanza Candeloro
Paolo Chiasera
Mimosa Echard
Jasmine Gregory
Soshiro Matsubara
Chloé Quenum
RM (former Real Madrid)
Curtis Talwst Santiago
Bernhard Schobinger
Davide Stucchi
Anaïs Wenger
Martina Simeti
Via Benedetto Marcello 44, 20124, Milano
Telefono: +39 02 36513 326
Martina Simeti
Sylvie Auvray, Strange things in my soup
13 febbraio – 21 marzo 2025
Martina Simeti
Paolo Chiasera, Terra Lavica Armena
1 aprile – 24 maggio 2025
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